Here is a screenshot of the magento admin panel. Navigate through menu > System > Configuration> Design > Transactional Emails. Select and upload the logo , then set the ALT
PHPMAILER_RECIPIENTS_FAILED Some times this error occurs because default contact form tries to use users email address as the FROM address. Some hosts doesn’t allow this to stop spam. So we
You should check the configuration.php file of your Joomla application and make sure the following lines are correct: var $dbtype = ‘mysql’; var $host = ‘localhost’; var $user = ‘user_name’;
Whenever creating a new file for the Joomla! installation you must avoid using certain text editors such as , WordPad, Word, for example as they unfortunately have a tendency to
When creating a quality Joomla extension you will place your styles and javascript codes on seperate files. Then here is the way to add those files in to the joomla
Every small piece of information transferred on the Internet is passed via an IP address. This address is just like your home address, and like a physical address can contain
Joomla! CMS uses the templates/system/error.php file to handle several HTTP Status errors, including “403 Forbidden”, “404 Not Found”, and “500 Internal Server” Errors. You may style the error results by
go to: component/com_virtuemart/themes/browse/includes edit one of this files depending of what you have selected in layout style. browse_listtable.tpl.php browse_layouttable.tpl.php browse_notables.tpl.php Comment out following lines. echo $ps_product->featuredProducts(true,10,true); echo $recent_products; It should